Monday, October 5, 2009

Suunto Observer Tt

Suunto Observer measures your vertical ascents and descents, as well as the total number of runs skied and shows all that easily with one press of a button. It provides you with reliable information on barometric pressure and temperature and functions as a digital compass. Additionally, it has a calendar, clock, dual time display, and a stopwatch.

Its timeless design makes it wearable in any casual situation; it includes an easy-to-read display with an extra-ordinarily wide viewing angle, electro-luminescent backlight and a user-replaceable battery.

Because of its moderate size and stylish design it is perfectly suitable for both men, as well as women.

Deeper Understanding

Suunto Observer's altimeter has a range up to 9 000 m/29 500 ft with a 1 m/3 ft resolution. It features an altitude alarm as well as memory function for storing logs of your most exciting mountain adventures. The logbook allows the user to record total and cumulative vertical ascents and descents, as well as the number of runs skied. The logbook data is quickly available during the activity with one button press.

The Suunto Observer and its barometric functions provide you with valuable information for forecasting weather changes. Information on the present sea level pressure helps you read and understand the barometric pressure at high altitudes.

Knowing your altitude, ascent/descent rate, compass bearing, weather trends, and barometric pressure enables you to make safe and responsible decisions, particularly when moving in the mountains.

The Altimeter uses a unique feature that keeps the sea-level pressure reading from changing when the unit is used as an altimeter. When the altimeter function is activated, all pressure changes are interpreted as altitude changes, and the sea-level pressure reading displayed will not change, although the absolute pressure reading does.

In addition to current barometric pressure and temperature, the barometer function of Suunto Observer gives pressure related data for the past four days: the first six hours in one hour intervals and after that in six hour intervals.

The Barometer uses a unique feature that keeps the altitude reading from changing when the unit is used as a barometer. It interprets all pressure changes as weather changes and the measured changes will therefore only affect the pressure reading in the barometer mode. These changes will not affect the altitude reading, thus enabling instant weather forecasts.

The compass shows the cardinal or half-cardinal point abbreviated and indicates the North with an arrow. The compass can be set to track a certain bearing, and graphically show the difference between it and the actual bearing. This is a valuable tool, when trying to get back on track after minor or major detours in the terrain. The declination adjustment function allows the user to correct the difference between true North and magnetic North.

Suunto Observer also has a calendar clock pre-programmed to the year 2089 with three daily alarms, a dual time display, and a stopwatch with lap and split time measurement. The stopwatch stores up to 99 laps and split times for one run. The time can either be shown in 12 or 24-hour format.

source :

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trangicola (Trangia versi cocacola)

Repost dr postingannya alcopop

bisa dibaca di Threadnya

inilah kompor murah meriah...
silahkan dicoba..

1. sediakan dua kaleng minuman yang seukuran, idealnya yang ukuran 330ml

2. kalo udah, salah satu kaleng pantatnya di lobangin besar. trus di sekelilingnya bikin lobang kecil" yang agak rata. banyaknya lubang bisa variasi, 16,24.32 bebas.
makin kecil lubangnya makin bagus karena daya semprotnya makin keras.

3. Kaleng yang satu lagi pantatnya jangan dilubangin. cukup dipotong kira" 10-20 cm

4. ini yang paling susyah.....gedein pantat kaleng kedua yang udah dipotong tadi pake sisa kaleng satunya. sodomi aja sambil diteken-teken biar agak besar dikit. ati" jangan sampe robek :P

5. kalo point no 4 dah selesai, sisa kaleng yang buat nyodomi tadi dipotong kotak untuk sekat bagian dalemnya.buat lubang 2 sampai 3 buah di bagian bawahnya untuk jalan spirtus ke chamber pembakaran.

6. langkah berikutnya kelilingin aja bagian tengah kalengnya dengan sekat yang tadi kita buat. jangan lupa lobangnya sekat ditarok di bagian bawah ya.
hasilnya harusnya jadi seperti ini

7. langkah berikutnya tinggal masukin aja pantat kaleng yang sudah dilubangin tadi ke dalem pantat kaleng yang masih utuh.
potong secukupnya, kita: sisain 3/4 tinggi potongan pantat yang utuh

8. tes nyala....kalo yg model gini dijamin gak meledak meledak, apalagi sampe bakar alis segala

jangan lupa bikin tatakan kompornya ya. kalo saya sih pake kompor parafin hehehehe
kalo mau bagusan bikin pake jari" kayak aki punya.
atau tatakan knock down ala oom sukriboangel cukup bagus tuh

selamat mencoba

Vaude Expedition Rock 55L+10L Backpack

The Vaude Expedition Rock Climbing Backpack is the ultimate expedition climbing backpack with easy access crampon attachment and fast zip access to the main compartment.

- Crampon attachment on the front
- Access to the main compartment also via zip
- Rope holder under the lid
- Zip lid compartment
- Variable lid height
- Removable lid
- Welded, padded back
- Suspension system with innovative F.L.A.S.H. NT adjustment
- Attachment point for ice equipment
- Removable hip belt
- E-link system: backpack can be attached to Edelrid climbing harnesses
- Map compartment
- Side compression straps
- Sternum strap with whistle
- Information panel for alpine emergency situations under the lid
- Volume: 55 + 10 L
- Measurement: 22 x 13 x 8 inches
- Weight: 4 lbs. 6 oz.
- Fabrics: 420D small Diamond Ripstop, 600D Polyester PU coated, 500D Cordura Polyamid PU coated

Friday, September 25, 2009

Foto ziarah almarhum seno bayu ajie ( in memoriam seno bayu ajie)

Berikut foto2 nyekar ke tempat peristirahatan terakhir elo no..


See you again..

Halooo blog..
Uda lama ngga nongkrong disini. Setelah berita duka kmaren akhirnya gw sempet ziarah ke makam almarhum. Cukup rame, disela-sela suasana duka, namun ada canda tawa teman-teman mengenang almarhum..

Setelah nyekar kita buka puasa bareng di semanggi. Dan cerita ngalor-ngidul, dr rencana jalan-jalan sampe ledek-ledekan..

Eh btw.. Minal aidin wal faidzin, maap lahir bathin.. Walopun agak telat, tp drpd engga sama sekali..
semoga tahun depan bisa ketemu lagi dengan bulan suci ini.. Amin..

Uda dulu dech.. Nanti terusin lagi yah..


Monday, September 14, 2009

Mendoakan.. (In memoriam Seno Bayu Ajie)

No.. Kmaren hari sabtu gw dateng kerumah, itu untuk pertamanya gw kerumah elo. Tp sayangnya kita ngga ketemu, tp gw tau elo msh disitu.
Masih terasa kok ada elo disitu, kita semua ngomongin elo loh, ketawa elo, lelucon elo, tingkah laku elo, sampe gaya-gaya elo klo dipoto. Ternyata semua itu selalu nempel di otak kita semua..

Kita rencananya mo ziarah bsok sabtu, dan kita bikin rencana ke tempat-tempat yg pengen lo kunjungi. Sawarna, ujung kulon, semua dech, mudah-mudahan elo ada yah disana.
Tp pasti kita ngerasain elo ada, karna susah buat ngelupain setiap moment di acara kita tanpa tingkah polah elo. Elo gitu.. Hehehe..

Gw harap elo akan ada dibenak kita semua dikala perjalanan kita, gladian, berganda, slametan, pambir sampe klo iseng dateng ke 3.

Yah uda nanti kita ketemu yah hari sabtu..

Na.. Na.. Nanana.. Na na nanana..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

090909 (in memoriam Seno Bayu Ajie)

Ternyata angka unik ini menjadi sangat bermakna, iyah ini kemarin, ketika gw dan beberapa teman gw kehilangan seorang yang sangat berarti. Seno Bayu Aji.

Seno, masih ingatkah kau saat berganda (pendidikan akhir sabhawana).
gw dateng waktu di kaki gunung burang-rang, dengan nada lagu eminem gw menyemangati elo.
Dan elo tau klo kedatangan gw dan beni menjadi cobaan baru di acara berganda elo..
(maap no, kita hanya ingin mendidik elo, tanpa ada rasa lainnya)

Perjalanan survival, dari kaki burang-rang menuju sukawana waktu itu terasa berat bagi elo, karena kedatangan gw sama beni, beban bawaan beni elo bawa. gw ajah ngga tega ngeliatnya. Keril 60lt lebih yang elo bawa depan belakang, ngeliatnya ajah udah susah, apalagi ngebawanya.

Waktu itu mau penutupan survival, elo sempet nanya ke gw,
"yas masih jauh ngga penutupan survivalnya"
gw jawab "dikit lagi no, itu ditanjakan depan"
dengan muka yang kelelahan elo terus berjalan.
tp apa daya gw juga engga kuat ngeliat elo bawa beban seberat itu, akhirnya 2 keril itu gw bantu bawa dengan bantuan sebuah bambu, inget ngga no?
keril kita taro ditengah-tengah bambu, kita angkat bareng2.

Ditanjakan depan yang gw bilang, ternyata leadernya jalan terus. Elo kecewa banget waktu itu yah, sampe elo bilang "elo boong yah yas..."
gw bilang,"engga kok, yah nanti juga berhenti kok".
Ngga lama setelah itu memang berhenti, karena itu hanya tipuan leader ajah. Klo ngga salah waktu itu leadernya ditto.

Sampai saat ini, masih terbayang muka lelah waktu itu, tapi elo tetep semangat no.
elo bantu semua peserta waktu itu, tanpa elo sadar elo juga capek dan berpenyakit.

Semangat yang ada di elo itu no, menutupi semua penyakit yang elo derita.
Ngga pernah elo nunjukin klo elo memiliki sakit yang berbahaya itu.

Seno, angka 090909 ini jadi angka buat elo, dan akan selalu teringat oleh siapapun yang pernah mengenal elo.

"in memoriam Seno Bayu Ajie, 020386 - 090909)

Speedy Bong-bong (in memoriam Seno Bayu Aji)

Setelah mendengar berita duka malam tadi yang cukup mengagetkan, dmana saya kehilangan satu lagi sahabat muda, yang dikala kesehariannya tidak pernah terlihat sedikitpun penyakit didalam tubuhnya.

Seno bayu aji, salah satu junior terbaik yang pernah dimiliki Sabhawana (Pecinta Alam SMA Negri 3 Jakarta). Almarhum, dahulu saat dia sedang dalam proses pembelajaran kepecintaalaman, sosok yang diam, cerdas, bersemangat. Saat almarhum selesai proses pendidikan kepecintaalaman, dia menjadi sosok yang sangat humoris, senang berbagi ilmu, dan tak pernah berhenti belajar.

Seno atau yang akrab di panggil Bong2, karena dahulu dia pernah membawa tenda dgn bentuk aneh bermerek Bong-bong, dari jalur pendakian di wanawisata cidahu gunung salak menuju kawah ratu, saat itu dia sedang menjadi pengurus di sabhawana, dimana dia harus bertanggung jawab untuk membawa perlengkapan logistik tim. Saat itu almarhum membawa 3 set tenda untuk tim, yang salah satunya bermerk Bong-bong.
Tenda itu cukup unik karena dengan packaging yang besar, berbentuk bulat dgn diameter sekitar 1 meter.
Namun dlm pendirian tenda tersebut, hanya memakan waktu kurang dr 1 menit, yaitu dgn pelepas pengikat dan tenda tersebut akan terbuka dgn sendirinya.
Tenda itu berbentuk dome, setelah terbuka hanya tinggal dikencangkan ditiap sudutnya dgn pasak.

Entah apa kesamaan seorang Seno Bayu Aji dengan Tenda Dome Bong-bong tersebut, namun almarhum diberi nama itu, karena dia membawa tenda dengan dimensi packaging yang cukup besar (lingkaran dgn diameter 1 meter), melewati jalur dr cidahu menuju sukaratu. Tapi yang almarhum lakukan adalah bentuk tanggung jawab atas jabatannya sebagai logistik dalam perjalanan, agar beberapa teman-teman dalam pendakian kali ini bisa tidur didalam tenda Bong-bong.

Kerja keras dan tanggung jawabmu cukup mengajari saya secara pribadi, tanpa banyak mengeluh dan komentar.
Mungkin saat itu penyakit dalam dirimu telah ada namun tak sedikitpun kau tunjukkan ganasnya penyakit itu.


Berita Duka Cita Seno Bayu Aji, Angkatan 23 Sabhawana

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun
Telah berpulang ke rahmatullah..
Saudaraku, adikku, kebanggaanku.
Seno Bayu Aji/Bong2/Speedy Bong-bong (S230110TA).
Semoga engkau tenang disana bong, semua canda tawamu, kegembiraan bersamamu, kebersamaanmu dan keberadaanmu telah dikembalikan pada-NYA.
Aku bangga pernah bersamamu, aku bangga menjadi kakakmu, aku bangga menjadi pengurusmu.

"Lebih baik mati muda daripada menyerah pada kemunafikan"

Selamat Jalan Kawan

Dan harus ku akui, aku kehilangan.
Ku kehilangan saat bersama,
Saat kita berbagi rasa.

Tak bisa ku pungkiri, aku kehilangan.
Aku kehilangan keseimbangan,
Perih yang tak tertahankan.

Aku tak berdaya,
kau yang slalu ada, harus terpisahkan..

Berangkatlah dengan tenang,
Bawa sebersit senyuman..
Doa ku panjatkan
Slamat jalan kawan

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jflow Tribute For Earthquke

download di sini:
Dibalik awan gelap dan mendung kelabu
Ada terang dan harapan baru
Jangan menyerah sambung asamu
Kau tak sendirian kubersamamu
Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh
Tlah kudengar pedihnya ceritamu
Tlah kulihat beratnya deritamu
Kudisini slalu besertamu
Kumohon jangan padamkan pelitamu
Tak selamanya mendung itu kelabu
Suatu saat pasti ia kan berlalu
Kau sahabat saudara saudariku
Sambut tanganku genggam jari2ku
Hidup terkadang memang penuh masalah
Tapi tidak berarti kau menyerah kalah
Dibalik setiap awan ada mentari
Tinggalkan segala beban dan mulai Merari
Yang sudah terjadi biarkanlah berlalu
Teguhkan hati dan ingatlah selalu
Saat kau terjatuh memang sungguh sakit
Tapi sekarang saatnya untuk bangkit
Saudaraku jangan engkau takut
Semua pasti berlalu dari hadapanmu
Mari kita buka lembaran yang baru
Melangkah maju dan terus maju
Saat kau lelah ingin menyerah (no no no)
Saat putus asa lemah tak berdaya
Ingat penciptamu

From :Garuda


Iklan Yamaha (mirror)

Keren juga nich iklan. meningkatkan pengendara motor buat ngeliat ke spionnya. kira2 ada ngga yah di indonesia, secara pengendara motor ajah males pake kaca spion.. Romanian Traffic Police: Yamaha: "Romanian Traffic Police: Yamaha

Get used to seeing us in the mirror!

Advertising Agency: Mercury 360, Bucharest, Romania Art Director: Ionut Rusu Copywriters: Elena Negrescu, Adi Pasarica Creative Group Director: Liviu Turcanu Published: August 2007


Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm mobile. Blog by blackberry

Akhirnya, setelah perjuangan dgn beberapa cara, sukses juga ngeblog dr blackberry.

1. Kirim email REGISTER ke
2. Nanti akan dikirim email dr blogger berupa kode token untuk verifikasi.
3. Buka dr desktop.
4. Masukin kode tokennya
5. Login username blog
6. Klo memang udah ada tinggal dimerging ajah..
7. Done

Untuk kirim postingan blog, tinggal kirim via email ke
Subject yg diisi akan jadi Title postingan.
Isi email akan jadi isi postingan...

Selamat ngeblog ria blogger..#

Test blog

Ngetest blog pake email..

Tips Designer muda.

Siap laksanakan... *emg gw designer? kepedean emg* Great Business Tips for New Designers: "

New Graduate

This is a guest article written by Nicole White*. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

Stepping out of college and into the world of design can be a big change for many with little real-world experience in the field. Learning how to deal with clients, manage projects, and find work can be challenge for the rookie designer, especially with freelance work. These basic business tips can help prevent major disasters and set the stage for future success in the field.

1. Always get a contract.

It isn’t uncommon to get hooked up with a friend of a family member and in these cases you may not feel it’s necessary to ask for or get a contract, after all, you know the person. This is where trouble can start. Always lay out what the expectations for the client are and your fees ahead of time so there can be no question later as to what the agreement was.

2. Ask for a down payment.

Inevitably you will have clients who are reluctant to shell out for the work that you’ve done for them, offering a myriad of excuses. Getting half the money up front will ensure you’re not left penniless while trying to get what you’re owed and that the client won’t leave you hanging partway through. 25-50% is a fair amount.

3. Limit revisions.

As with any creative project, there are a limitless amount of revisions that can be made. Some clients will be very picky and involved in the process and want to see numerous revisions of an idea. While there’s not necessarily anything wrong with wanting the best, make sure you’re getting compensated for it by placing a limit on the number of revisions or charging if they go over a certain number.

4. Get organized.

It will be incredibly difficult to manage one project, let alone multiples, and your life to boot if you don’t get organized now. Set up places to file important paper, organize your email inbox and make sure you’ve got plenty of room to store all your client work.

5. Work your network.

Finding work can sometimes be the hardest part of working freelance. When you’re first starting out, try using your personal connections to find yourself some work. Ask family, friends, classmates and associates if they know anyone who could benefit from your services. Most of the time, this will turn up at least one lead and get you started working.

There is no guarantee of entrepreneurial success in any venture, but taking steps to plan for the future and better manage work today certainly won’t hurt even the most experienced designers and can be a great way to start a career for newbies. Start to market yourself.

Recommended Reading

Have you got any other great business tips to share?

*Nicole White can be found on her website Web Design Schools Guide where she writes about online web design degrees.

© This article is copyright of Just Creative Design and should not be found elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jakarta Earthquake 2 Sept 09

Serem juga euy...
td lagi di Wisma Metropolitan LT. 6 pas gempa, untung cuma 6 lt turun tangganya.
ngga nyebayangin yg lt 30 ato 35, pasti lemes tuh sampe bawah.
selama turun ajah terasa goyangnya, sampe bawah sih agak2 goyang dikit.
berikut laporannya

This the detail:
Magnitude 7.4
* Wednesday, September 02, 2009 at 07:55:02 UTC
* Wednesday, September 02, 2009 at 02:55:02 PM at epicenter
Location 7.837°S, 107.263°E
Depth 62.8 km (39.0 miles)
* 104 km (65 miles) SSW (199°) from Bandung, Java, Indonesia
* 113 km (70 miles) SSE (155°) from Sukabumi, Java, Indonesia
* 124 km (77 miles) WSW (243°) from Tasikmalaya, Java, Indonesia
* 198 km (123 miles) SSE (163°) from JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 10.3 km (6.4 miles); depth +/- 18.1 km (11.2 miles)
Parameters NST= 49, Nph= 49, Dmin=359.7 km, Rmss=1.18 sec, Gp= 68°,
M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7
* U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center:
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

Kabar Pagi ini

Pagi blog... eh udah agak siang sih.
tadi keburu maen mafia dulu, buat ngabisin energy sama stamina.
baru dech baca berita.
dari Blogger yg dapet hadiah keliling dunia sampai 25 gadget pilihan majalah TIME.

Siang ini pengennya ngeberesin kerjaan yang susah banget buat selesai.
semoga bisa dicicil kerjaannya, dan bisa sedikit istirahat.
tapi kenapa leher ini makin terasa sakit yah, padahal tadi pas sahur udah agak mendingan.
kayak ketarik-tarik gini sih ini leher, dulu pernah begini tapi engga sampe lama, dibawa tidur juga udah selesai. tp kli ini kok sakitnya berkepanjangan yah..
mudah-mudahan nanti sore udah baekan lagi..
ok, thats it..

get to work guys..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Five Popular Design Portfolio Website Styles

Nice Portopolio.... Five Popular Design Portfolio Website Styles: "

Having a web-based portfolio is crucial for displaying your online and/or offline work. The key to an effective portfolio design is how you to set up the content. In this article, we are going to cover various ways designers and artists set up their portfolio site. We’re also going to look at some well-designed examples from each style.

1. Portfolio as the main focus

These portfolio websites are usually pretty simple, having some basic information on the front page. All the focus is geared towards the design work.

Leonardo Maia

Leonardo Maia



Juan Diego Velasco

Juan Diego Velasco

Fred Maya

Fred Maya



Caitlin Hathaway

Caitlin Hathaway

2. Featured Work/Navigation as the main focus

This variety of portfolios usually consists of the designer displaying their design projects in a "featured" section on the web page. In addition, the designer can use their design/art - in combination with visual design elements - to set their home page as the jumping point to get to the rest of the site’s content.





Todd Stowell

Todd Stowell

Trevor Clark Photography

Trevor Clark Photography



Loukotka Design

Loukotka Design

3. Services/"About us" as the main focus

This portfolio design style typically has a short paragraph/blurb about the site owner’s services and/or a description of who they are. These descriptions are built either into the header, or just below it. These websites may have a weblog or a showcase of their work below the header, but the main goal is to center on what the designer does.

mark mcgall

mark mcgall

Havoc Inspired

Havoc Inspired





Southern Media

Southern Media

Falcone Creative

Falcone Creative





4. Blog as the main focus

This category of portfolio designs puts a weblog as the central attraction to the site, and is meant to show the personal side of the business owner or awards and accomplishment that they have received. New portfolio pieces and recently finished work are sometimes mixed into the blog as posts. It’s a great way to show potential clients their knowledge about the industry, as well as drawing in visitors by way of great content.

Tyler Gaw

Tyler Gaw

Kim Ellefsen

Kim Ellefsen



Jeffrey Sarmiento

Jeffrey Sarmiento



5. The single page portfolio

This type of portfolio design utilizes various coding techniques such as accordion style menus and page scrolling to move the user to different parts of the page.

Little Red

Little Red

Andrea Cima Serniotti

Andrea Cima Serniotti

Alexander Kaiser

Alexander Kaiser



Studio Skitz

Studio Skitz

What’s the best portfolio design style?

Do you have an opinion on which style is the best/most effective/most appealing? Are there other popular design portfolio styles that we didn’t mention? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Related Content

About the Author

Tyler Denis is a part-time freelance designer from Ashland, New Hampshire. He is also the creator/writer of the design blog Denis Designs/blog, a website dedicated to bringing quality tutorials and inspiration. You can follow him on Twitter or at his personal site, Denis Designs.
